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HomeDigital MarketingThe Importance Of Marketing In Business Today!

The Importance Of Marketing In Business Today!

Despite the evolution of technology and the communication channels that exist today. Marketing or digital marketing is still little or badly exploited by companies. Every entrepreneur or project manager, when opening a business, focuses almost exclusively on the product or service provided. And they only think about marketing when they see that the results obtained are not what they expected. Moreover, it is a big mistake to think that marketing will solve all business problems, such as improving conversion, or increasing sales, or brand visibility, among others, by a single day. Let see the importance of marketing.

In order for you to understand the importance of marketing for companies whether it is an SME or a large company. Why today it is almost impossible for companies to do without it? How to work in marketing? But before continuing with the subject, let’s define what marketing is.

What is Marketing?

We can define the process of marketing or digital marketing according to the economic and social mechanism by which individuals and groups have the role of satisfying their needs and desires by means of the creation and exchange of products and other entities of value for others. Marketing is about identifying and anticipating customer needs and meeting those needs in a profitable way of consumption, both for the business and for the consumer.” Today, the internet has become a vital part of online marketing.

Vital part of online marketing

When it comes to marketing, it can be understood that identifying customer needs and understanding how your product can reach you in the most effective way possible. But also, one can anticipate needs by studying customer behavior and how it might affect product demand in the future. Then satisfying the needs of customers must feel that the service provided by your company generates for them a benefit (satisfaction). And profitability, no one starts a business for charity. “Profit” is the primary goal and survival of every business.

But you should also know that there is management marketing, which consists of planning and implementing the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of an idea, a product, or a service in view of a mutually satisfactory exchange for organizations and individuals alike. All this, with a single objective of transforming potential customers, prospects, into real customers for the company. But it depends on the quality of the marketing used. If the strategy is effective, it will encourage the consumer to buy.

There are different types of marketing today:

There are several types of marketing that all meet the same objectives: sell your product or service, build customer loyalty, identify new consumers or customers such as:

direct marketing

It is a type of public relations marketing that directly contacts the customer with different communication channels such as emails, telephone, social networks as well as all communication blogs. This method is perfect for customer relations and for effective marketing communication in determining the exact needs of customers with the product that corresponds to them.

operational marketing

It is the action of the 4 Ps (product, price, place and promotion), control and deed-back. But also it is the complementation of the marketing strategies which makes it possible to put into practice the objectives fixed beforehand during the phase of the strategic marketing, it fixes actions and means to reach the goals. It is therefore in this part of marketing that the creation and operation begins, and this by implementing different means such as posters, campaigns, blog marketing, blog communication, etc. It is also about the communication strategy

Marketing mix:

Is defined as the set of tools available to the company to achieve its objectives with the target market and includes all the decisions and marketing actions taken to ensure the success of a product, service, brand or brand on its market. . It is traditionally considered that the decisions and actions of the marketing mix are taken essentially in 4 main areas which are:

  • product policy,
  • pricing policy,
  • communication policy
  • distribution policy.

The marketing strategy

Some common marketing strategies create awareness of the product and give it a context that stimulates the desire to own it. Here are a few, including demonstrating scarcity:

  • developing a “we” connection between consumers and the product,
  • interacting with social media (such as media marketing, email marketing,
  • determining the need for a product modify existing products or create new products,
  • determine the best way to reach potential customers,
  • create marketing campaigns and confirm customer relationships.
Eleena Wills
Eleena Wills
Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive.


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