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HomeHealthWhen Should I Talk to My Doctor About My Fertility

When Should I Talk to My Doctor About My Fertility

Are you having trouble conceiving? Modern technology is slowly reducing the prevalence of infertility among couples. There are many different treatment plans that a fertility doctor may offer based on the symptoms shown. Some of these options include In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). IVF is the process in which eggs are taken from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. From there, the egg and sperm will develop into an embryo and a doctor can put the embryo into the woman’s uterus to develop further. IUI occurs when a sperm is inserted into a woman’s uterus when the woman is ovulating. Both of these methods can be a rewarding journey that requires patience, science, and a lot of hope.

Infertility can prove to be very difficult, so be sure to look out for these signs to understand the appropriate time to engage a doctor.

The Signs of Infertility

Conception Issues

This is often the most common symptom for which people tend to realize before seeking a fertility doctor. It can definitely be concerning if one does not conceive after trying for a year if they are not using any birth control. Women over 35 years of age should only wait for about six months before seeing a specialist.

Once the doctors diagnose infertility, they will direct the couple to have some tests to determine the exact cause. They will select a treatment plan depending on the test results. Some women experience secondary infertility once they get rid of their birth control. Sometimes, birth control can cause repercussions that women do not anticipate. The doctors will handle such situations differently to find appropriate solutions.

Irregular Menstruation

Missed ovulation and having irregular periods are clear indicators of infertility. Once a woman notices missing or irregular menses, she should then visit and consult a fertility doctor. This could be happening due to an array of causes such as imbalanced hormones, fibroids, or other issues including infertility. The specialist will analyze the reproductive system and begin to find where the problem lies.

If a woman does not have periods, it is highly likely that she is also not ovulating. This could be due to blocked tubes or other problems. If a woman has heavy periods, this can also indicate a reproductive problem like fibroids. Monitoring the flow can help the doctor uncover some of these problems and prescribe medications to balance out the hormones. Some specialists may also recommend surgery to remove the fibroids. Issues could also be present if a woman experiences too long or short of menstrual cycles.

Multiple Miscarriages

Multiple miscarriages can often signify that there may be a serious health problem. Miscarriages typically happen within the first few months of pregnancy. It may be due to developmental issues like improper egg implantation in the uterus, abnormal egg development, or other problems that a specialist can help to uncover.

A miscarriage recurrence should lead a couple to visit a fertility specialist. Doctors can prevent some of these causes through proper care and fertility treatments. By analyzing the causes of previous miscarriages, the specialist can identify the best way to resolve the problem.

Women who have previously had an abortion may also encounter some infertility problems. They should aim to seek advice from qualified personnel before and after the abortion to help avoid or prevent such problems.

Women More than 35 Years of Age

The older women get, the less likely they are to conceive. Science states that age influences the fertility in women because the eggs in their reproductive system tend to reduce as they age. As a result, they will have abnormal chromosomes, resulting in a baby’s congenital disabilities. Seeing a fertility specialist can help to reinforce the reassurance of conceiving and delivering healthy babies. The good news is that there is a possibility of conceiving in old age. Many treatment plans can help mitigate the risk and keep close monitoring of the mother and baby to help with safe pregnancy and delivery.

Chronic Illnesses

Some chronic illnesses can have severe side effects on the reproductive system. Diseases and conditions such as diabetes, kidney diseases, thyroid disease, and others can have negative consequences. Some treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can also cause infertility.

It is up to the doctor to analyze the extent of the illness and determine its effects and offer their recommendations. Some medications can also cause infertility. Talking to the doctor about the drugs that have been used will help narrow down the cause of infertility and find working solutions; when a doctor has 

History of STIs

STIs often cause inflammation and infections in the system. These effects can result in further complications that may result in infertility. Proper treatment and prevention of STIs help to keep the system clear of infertility problems. Getting consistent checkups can help to prevent the spread and effects of STIs.

Failure of Erection in Men

If the man cannot get or maintain an erection, a specialist should examine his reproductive system. The doctor will then order numerous tests that will analyze their health and fertility. The semen count is an essential statistic that doctors investigate in their fertility tests. Doctors can recommend a series of treatments for this condition to increase male fertility.

Surrogacy or Insemination

Members of the LGBTQ community or others interested in different conception options can visit fertility doctors if they decide they want to have children. In these kinds of situations, doctors can offer various scientific solutions, including surrogacy or donor insemination. This is a viable option for many couples who are unable to conceive naturally.

The Science of a Fertility Doctor

Once a couple notices any of these signs, it is best to see a specialist to diagnose any issues and to start creating a treatment plan. It may take time to go through diagnosis and begin a treatment plan, but it can yield positive results. It is important to remember that both parties should visit the doctor to identify the cause and resolution of infertility correctly.

Eleena Wills
Eleena Wills
Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive.


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