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HomeBusinessList of Top 9 Significant Vitamins for the Eye Health 

List of Top 9 Significant Vitamins for the Eye Health 

The eyes are one of the body’s most significant and complex organs that needs meticulous care. Various prevalent health diseases adversely affect your eyes like glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular and diabetic retinopathy. One of the primary reasons for these conditions is deficiencies in nutrients and a well-balanced diet. In simple terms, we should incorporate essential vitamins into our regular diet to keep our eyes healthy. You can also buy preschool glasses for your kid’s eye care. 

This write-up highlights the best nine vitamins that one should intake to ensure that eyes are in healthy condition. Let’s get started: 

  1. Vitamin A: Numerous vitamins play a significant role in the eye’s health, but vitamin A is the most significant. The role of vitamin A is to maintain the clear cornea that is further responsible for clear and concise vision. In addition, the component of a protein named rhodopsin is in our eyes, enabling us to see clearly in dim and low light conditions. The deficiency of vitamin A can lead to the beginning of night blindness and also leads to eye dryness. Therefore, you should eat vitamin A rich-foods to protect your eyes from all the afflictions. 
  2. Vitamin E: There are various eye-related diseases due to oxidative stress, which is nothing but an imbalance of the free radicals and antioxidants in the human body. But vitamin E is quite helpful in protecting the eyes from the free radicals, which are pretty dangerous. Besides, it protects the eyes from age-related issues like cataracts. Henceforth, we should incorporate vitamin E-rich food like nuts, cooking oils, salmon, leafy green vegetables, and avocado. 
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for bringing more tears to the eyes, eventually protecting us from eye dryness. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help to protect the diabetic retinopathy(DR). To raise the omega-3 fatty acids, you should incorporate chia seeds, soy, nuts, fish, and flaxseed. In addition, you can use omega-3-rich cooking oils such as olive and canola oil. Buy children’s glasses from Lenskart to keep their eyes safe. 
  1. Vitamin B3 Niacin: The job of converting the food into energy is done by the niacin, which is also considered the best antioxidant. There is an adverse condition called glaucoma, in which the optic nerve of the eyes gets damaged. But, vitamin B3 protects our eyes from glaucoma conditions. Even though the animal studies also stated that the excellent niacin supplements are quite effective in preventing us from the glaucoma diseases. But make sure that you don’t take in the high quantity as it may have adverse effects on the eyes like blurred vision, macular damage, and cornea inflammation. 
  2. Zeaxanthin & Lutein: Did you know that both lutein and zeaxanthin are present in the retina and macula of our eyes? Their role is to filter the blue light and protect our eyes from damage. Isn’t that great? Furthermore, the studies suggest that both plant compounds can successfully save our eyes from cataracts. Nonetheless, you don’t need to intake supplements. You can get enough lutein and zeaxanthin from the vegetables and fruits naturally. The kale, collard greens, and cooked spinach are high in these compounds. 
  3. Vitamin C: Similar to vitamin E, vitamin C also aids in protecting your eyes from the free radicals and is a powerful antioxidant. Besides, vitamin C is also used to form collagen, considered the best protein that helps structure the eyes. Furthermore, as per the several research analyses, incorporating vitamin C is the surefire way to alleviate the risk of developing cataracts. However, a cataract is a state of a medical emergency in which your eyes become cloudy, and you feel blurred vision. Henceforth, you should start taking vitamin C-rich foods, including tropical fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and citrus. 
  4. Vitamin B6, B9, and B12: Did you know that the combination of vitamin B6, B9, and B12 positively impacts our eyes? These three combinations help lower the amount of homocysteine, increasing the risk of AMD (Age-related macular degeneration). 
  5. Vitamin B2(Riboflavin): Riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, is a powerful antioxidant that aids in mitigating the oxidative stress level in the body. Most importantly, the prolonged deficiencies of riboflavin may cause eye cataract medical complications. So, one can intake 1.1-1.3 mg of vitamin B2 per day. You can intake this amount easily in the form of food high in riboflavin. Here are some of the foods that are riboflavin rich: milk, fortified cereals, oats, and yoghurt. 
  6. Vitamin B1( Thiamine): Vitamin B1 has a significant role in converting food into energy. It also enables the body to perform cell functions. In addition, it reduces the risk of a cataract to a greater extent. So, you can take 100mg of thiamine three times a day to reduce the albumin in the urine. This further reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes. Ensure that you are taking the meat, fish, and grains in a regular diet which is an excellent source of vitamin B1.

Buy Impactable Quality Eyewear from the Renowned Brand: Try LensKart

We often take our eyes for granted and buy the eyewear of local brands. You shouldn’t avoid this mistake at any cost and prefer the leading brands like Lenskart. These professional and decades-long experienced eyewear stores always ensure premium eyewear and adhere to strict quality guidelines. Though, the eyewear of Lenskart is quite affordable and available in various kinds. You can also buy preschool glasses for your kids at budget-friendly prices that are worth the price. 

Final Thoughts

This blog has successfully furnished you with the essential vitamins one should take to keep their vision strong and eyes healthy. In addition, you should adhere to some eye exercises and schedule an eye check-up with the eye specialist once a month. To keep your children ‘s eyes healthy, you can buy children’s glasses online from Lenskart, and they also have preschool glasses for the children. 



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