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HomeHome ImprovementHow To Be Green At Work And Create An Environmentally Friendly Workplace 

How To Be Green At Work And Create An Environmentally Friendly Workplace 

An environmentally friendly workplace is one that takes steps to reduce its impact on the environment. This can include measures like reducing energy consumption, recycling and composting and encouraging employees to carpool or take public transportation. Working in an eco-friendly manner is not only good for the environment, but can also lead to a healthier and more productive workplace.

There are many ways to do this, such as using energy efficient light bulbs, using appliances less often, and insulating the office etc.

When it comes to being eco friendly in the workplace, there are a number of small changes you can make that will add up to a big difference. Here are some simple tips to get you started: 

  1. Use recycled paper for printing and copying. This will help reduce carbon emission. 
  1. Try to do office work via digital media.  This will reduce paper usage. Inspire employees about sending emails instead of memos whenever possible. 
  1. Reuse envelopes and file folders when possible. Reusing and recycling files or envelopes will reduce paper usage.
  1. Recycle toner cartridges and printer ink cartridges.
  1. Avoid using disposable cups, plates and cutlery – opt for reusable dishware instead. Start using sustainable alternatives like metal or glass straws.
  1. Encourage employees to carpool or take public transportation when commuting to work. Reducing the amount you drive will help reduce air pollution and conserve resources such as oil and gas.
  1. Reduce energy consumption by setting computers to “sleep” mode when not in use, and turning off lights and electronics when leaving the office for the day.
  1. Install energy-efficient light bulbs throughout the workplace. And make sure there aren’t any unnecessary usage. 
  1. Make sure all appliances are properly unplugged when not in use (this includes things like coffee makers, microwaves and printers). 
  1. Install more glass internal doors and windows to get as much sunlight as possible to reduce energy wastage. 
  1. Implement a recycling program at your workplace. This could include separating paper, plastic, and glass for recycling. 
  1. Encourage the use of reusable items such as coffee mugs, water bottles, and lunch containers. 
  1. Use energy-efficient appliances and equipment, and make sure to turn them off when they’re not in use.
  1. Take advantage of natural light by opening blinds and curtains during the day. 
  1. Make sure your office space has proper insulation. Faulty insulation can waste a lot of energy in an air conditioned room.
  1. Encourage your employees to eat organic food.Organic foods are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. They also tend to be lower in carbon emissions than conventionally grown foods since they require less fossil fuel inputs for transportation and processing.
  1. Make sure no one is keeping the doors or windows open in an air conditioned room.
  1. Educate your employees about eco-friendly workplace habits and ask for their input on how to make your office more sustainable!
  1. Use green cleaning products and try to reduce the use of paper towels. 
  1. Encourage everyone in the office to use the appliances wisely in an energy efficient way.

Taking these measures not only helps to protect the environment, but can also save the company money so it’s a win-win for everyone involved.



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