Thursday, May 2, 2024



Estonia has a solidarity health insurance system, with the help of which we provide all insured persons with the same quality and necessary medical services.

Funding for our general health insurance system comes from 13% of the social tax deducted from the employee’s salary. In addition to working people, not only they are insured, but also those groups of the population that cannot pay for medical services (children, pensioners, the unemployed, etc.). All Estonian insured persons have the right to receive the same high-quality health care, regardless of whether they pay the health insurance premium themselves or not.

The health insurance fund pays for the treatment costs of the insured person. People are considered insured for whom the social tax is paid by the employer or the person himself. In addition to these categories, children under the age of 19, schoolchildren, students, military servicemen, pregnant women, the unemployed, persons on parental leave, dependent spouses, pensioners, guardians of persons with disabilities, persons with partial or total disability, recipients of a doctoral student allowance, recipients of an allowance for creative activity, monks or nuns from monasteries whose data are entered in the register of a religious association, as well as persons who have entered into a voluntary insurance contract.


You can check your health insurance on the eesti. ee portal in the “Health insurance and family doctor information” service or by sending a request with a digital signature toinfo@haigekassa.eeor by calling the information service of the Health Insurance Fund at 669 6630

Adult working people contribute to the health insurance system with 13% of the social tax deducted from the employee’s salary. From these funds, not only their own medical services are financed, but also the medical care of those groups of the population that cannot pay for medical services. All old, young, poor, rich, sick, and healthy are equal. The current working-age population uses relatively few services, but the health insurance premiums they may also cover the medical costs of taxpayers’ children and elderly family members. Upon reaching retirement age or in any other situation, the state will also pay for their medical needs in accordance with the principles of solidarity.

According to the current legislation, the employer pays 33% social tax on the employee’s gross salary, 13% of which goes to health insurance. With regard to health insurance premiums, the health insurance fund ensures the payment of medical services for a person’s illness, receptor medicines, if necessary, in a prescribed amount, pays a sickness benefit for the time spent on sick leave, etc. These principles are set out in the social agreement, such as the Social Tax Act, the Health Insurance Act, and the Health Insurance Fund Act.

Eleena Wills
Eleena Wills
Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive.


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