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HomeEducationHow to Study and Play Games at the Same Time

How to Study and Play Games at the Same Time

It is always challenging to organize yourself and your work. What if learning is a part of the game? Students’ learning can be improved because of this. Games aren’t the only option to do this.

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Many research and approaches have been developed in the field of the learning environment that uses “pleasure” and “fun” as fundamental characteristics of games to boost a learner’s motivation (Alzawi et al., 2016)

Every week, people play video games for three billion hours! That’s an unacceptable amount, especially considering most players are in high school, college, or university.

Is it possible that we are wasting our time? Combining the two activities would be excellent for students who wish to play games and pass their exams.

Playing and studying simultaneously will not always give a positive outcome. Multitasking is never a good idea, particularly in the long term.

However, if you want to play your favourite game while still writing an assignment due tomorrow, we’ll show you how to manage both.

Time Management

Only the laziest individuals are unaware of the concept of time management. Everyone understands how effectively organizing your work helps you do more in less time.

This approach can be addressed using a variety of strategies and methodologies. We recommend that you try at least two.

 (1) you can give yourself a little break while playing a video game for each completed homework.

 (2) you can just schedule your day so that time is set aside for games.

Rather than being engaged in watching Instagram stories, try to complete an essay or report as quickly as possible. The sooner you do your assignment, the more time you will have to relax and play.

Time management is the strategic process of dividing your time efficiently to finish any activity or task. It helps in keeping things structured and, as a result, achieving the desired goal in the time (help with dissertation, 2021)

Use Speech-to-Text Tools

Students’ lives are made much easier by modern technology. You may now sketch a draft or outline your assignments without taking up a pen or touching a keyboard. Unique phone apps and speech recognition functions will help you write down your thoughts, and then you edit and write a clean draft quickly.

Audio can be Used Instead of Reading.

You can easily use the audio format to study for exams, workshops, or even gather information for an essay. On the Internet, you may find a wide variety of paid and free audiobooks, podcasts, educational videos, and webinars on the topic.

Simply turn off the game’s audio and focus as much as possible on the information you’re hearing. For maximum concentration and minimal distraction, while playing, we recommend using headphones.

Method 90/30

You work hard for 90 minutes, take a half-hour break, and repeat the cycle. In this case, you spend the first 90 minutes of the day on the most critical task and the remaining segments on less critical studies.

It works best for people who are used to thinking in time slots and spending a specific amount of time studying.

The 25-Minute System or the Pomodoro Technique

Set a time limit of 25 minutes with a timer. Following that, you concentrate on your work. After the 25 minutes are complete, take a five-minute break, then repeat the process. After four cycles, you take a half-hour long break.

Anyone can benefit from the strategy, especially while doing long, arduous work like writing a dissertation or report or studying for an exam.

Or you can get help online from Dissertation Proposal Writing Services to manage your task within the required time limit.

So, you can play computer games calmly the rest of the time if you arrange it. Similarly, you can use a timer to keep track of game sessions, especially if they are short.

When the alarm goes off, put down the game and return to study.

Popular Learning Games for Kids:

There are many popular learning games or games with educational elements that are very helpful to up-bringing students; they play and learn simultaneously.

  1. Adventure Academy (+6)

In this multiplayer game, you can create school clubs in tree houses. Small games in slot machines are used to train: points are awarded for each task completed correctly. You can use them to change your character’s appearance.

  • My Craft (+6)

This is the version with integrated chemistry study: players will learn about the chemical composition of tools and how substances interact while playing the game.

  • Twelve a Dozen (+12)

The game is designed to teach arithmetic: you need to solve addition and subtraction questions to go further.

  • The Oregon Trails (+12)

The protagonist leads a bunch of settlers to Oregon and makes critical strategic decisions throughout the story. The game is about the evolution of the Wild West.

Games, as you can see, have a beneficial effect on learning. Furthermore, there are many games focused on improving study abilities. As a result, use this approach because games are not only helpful but also enjoyable.

Games Make Us Better

We improve our ability to learn in the broad sense by studying games regularly. As a result, choosing games that integrate many mechanics is helpful in terms of pumping skills.

Each gaming genre is centred on the development of specific essential abilities. For example, in strategy games, players must constantly work with a large volume of data and respond fast to changing circumstances.

This increases their stress resistance and ability to think logically, set priorities correctly, and manage their time.

To be more effective in role-playing games, we continuously communicate with other players and build teams. Communication, organizing, and coordinating skills are all improved because of this.

Furthermore, the positive feedback from other players after successfully completing such games boosts our self-esteem.

Let’s Wrap it

Playing games while learning can be time consuming and ineffective. It is, however, doable, and you can even have a lot of fun doing it! If you want to blend the two activities, the methods listed above will help you make your playing and learning experiences as compelling and memorable as possible.

Eleena Wills
Eleena Wills
Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive.


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