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HomeLaw & OrderNew UAE Labour and Employment Law 2022

New UAE Labour and Employment Law 2022

United Arab Emirates has created and implemented a new UAE Labour Law which came in to enforceability this year in February 2022. It has replaced the previous and OLD Labour Law (Federal Law # 8, 1980), the new law will change most of the clauses from the OLD Labour Law UAE. Even though it has been very short, this is not the lengthy like before. The difficulties and challenges, world saw after the pandemics, were the reasons, governments had to revise the Employment Laws. Now the Labour and Employment Law has been revised and therefore the new Labour and Employment Law should be followed. 

The new UAE Labour Law, is equally applied to Employees and the Employers together. Either party is not exempted from this. Just Government Sectors, Security Forces, Police and other Defence departments, and the domestic employees, are not the part of this. They are treated with a different Law. All the changes can’t be mentioned here, because Labour and Employment Lawyers especially in Dubai, should be the top priority to learn about this Law. Labour and Employment Lawyers in UAE, means United Arab Emirates are the best, lawyers, in UAE to offer quality legal advice and the court services. 

Part Time working has been introduced, temporary work has been introduced, and the new form which is flexible working has also been introduced. Partial Work Permits are introduced. The advancement is that a new Golden Visa is introduced.

Maternity leaves are revised. New Labour and Employment Contracts are introduced. New responsibilities are assigned. Non-Competiton and Non-Disclosure is introduced. New Workplace rules are introduced. Notice periods are raised. Probation termination, probation resignations are introduced. New work plans as well as new insurance plans are introduced. 

As we said above that Please Book your Legal Appointment with top Lawyers in Dubai. We can give you an example like Ask The Law – Al Shaiba Advocates and Legal Consultants. Its one of the best Law Firms in Dubai as well as United Arab Emirates.         

Victimized Employers and Legal Relief – A Good Step by UAE Government 

Working under someone’s directions, and trying to match up with their expectations is not an easy task. Employees get paid to do this. They are expected to follow orders and accomplish the assigned tasks to the best of their abilities. Their work efforts contribute significantly to the overall productivity of the firm. Moreover, a quality work output builds a strong branding game for the firm. Hence, employers want their employees to give the best individual work output that is quality-oriented, and done as desired.

When employees fail to achieve job-related goals set for them by their bosses, they are often given warnings to brush up on their skills and improve the quality of work. However, if they still fail to produce the required work criteria, it gives a right to the employer to terminate them from their job duties. Consistent below-the-par work performances become a valid reason to relieve the said person of his employment commitments. However, such employees often hold grievances against their bosses for getting demoted or laid off from work. This grievance often leads to lawsuits against the employer.

These lawsuits are nothing but false accusations leveled against the employer by a grudge-holding former employee. Hence, in such cases, employers are the real victims and need the help of acclaimed Labour and Employment Lawyers. These employment law experts know where their client has been wronged in the context of the law and know exactly how to present his stance before the jury. This stance building is necessary to prove to the court that the petitioner is leveling false allegations against the victimized employer. Moreover, relevant shreds of evidence are collected and presented before the court to justify the reason for terminating the employee. It also proves to the respected jury that the filer of the lawsuit was fabricating lies and the one accused of violating the law was innocent.

Competent Labour and Employment Lawyers hired by both parties try their best to win over the claims and relevant compensations on behalf of their respective employees. However, the esteemed jury gives a final verdict after careful evaluation of every aspect of the case. The facts and figures presented by both parties are carefully reviewed, and closely assessed. Finally, a court order is issued either in favor or against the claimant, depending upon the factual evidence.  



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