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HomeHealthKnow everything about hair loss

Know everything about hair loss

Approximately one-third of women have hair loss (alopecia) at some point in their life; up to two-thirds of postmenopausal women suffer from hair thinning or bald patches. Women’s hair loss often has a bigger impact than men’s hair loss since it is less socially acceptable for women. Alopecia may have a significant impact on a woman’s emotional health and quality of life. 

The leading cause of hair loss in women is the same as that in males. Androgenetic alopecia is also known as female (or male) pattern hair loss. In men, hair loss often begins above the temples, and the receding hairline creates a distinctive “M” shape; the hair on the crown of the head also thins and frequently progresses to baldness. In women, androgenetic alopecia begins with thinning at the part, followed by widespread hair loss spreading from the crown. Rarely does a woman’s hairline recede, and women rarely become bald. 

There are several potential causes of female hair loss, including medical disorders, drugs, and physical or mental stress. Consult with your primary care physician or a dermatologist to discover the reason and proper therapy for any type of unexpected hair loss. To address hair loss solutions for women in baton rouge, you may also choose to request a referral to a therapist or support group from your practitioner. Women’s hair loss can be distressing, but in recent years there has been an increase in available solutions to address the issue. 

The life cycle of a hair 

Each hair grows from a follicle — a small pocket in the skin — and undergoes three development stages. The active growth period, anagen (A), lasts between two and seven years. Catagen (B), the phase of transition, lasts around two weeks. During this phase, the hair shaft travels upward toward the skin’s surface, and the dermal papilla (the structure that nourishes hair-forming cells) begins to detach from the follicle. Telogen (C), the resting phase, lasts approximately three months and concludes in hair shaft loss. 

Female pattern hair loss is diagnosed by collecting a medical history and inspecting the scalp. She or he will examine the pattern of hair loss, look for evidence of infection or inflammation, and do blood tests to evaluate other potential reasons for hair loss, such as hyperthyroidism, levothyroxine, and iron deficiency. Unless there is evidence of increased androgen activity, a hormonal examination is usually unnecessary.

Diagnosis Of Hair Loss 

  • Pull test: In this test, also known as the traction test, 20 to 60 hair strands are firmly grabbed between the thumb, index, and middle finger and pulled away from the scalp. If more than 10 percent of the total hair grabbed is shedding, the test is considered positive and shows active hair loss. 

The hair gathered by the pull tests is then inspected under a microscope for fractures, abnormalities, coiling, and other hair shaft conditions. 

In situations of cicatricial hair loss and undetected cases of non-cicatricial alopecia, scalp biopsies are performed. 

  • Blood tests: Your doctor may recommend a thyroid profile to find out hair loss solutions for women in baton rouge, as low levels of thyroid hormone are commonly associated with hair loss. In addition, physicians may offer blood tests to determine vitamin levels, as deficits in certain components can cause hair loss. Typically, the following are examined:
  • Iron: Iron deficiency is one of the leading reasons for hair loss in premenopausal women. Iron contributes to the formation of hemoglobin, which transports nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. In the absence of sufficient iron, hair will not develop, resulting in progressively weaker hair.
  • Zinc Deficiency can inhibit hair development and lead to hair loss.
  • Biotin, often known as vitamin B7, boosts the formation of keratin in hair and can promote follicle development. Deficiency in biotin can thus result in hair loss. 

Medical Therapy For Hair Loss 

1. Minoxidil 

This nonprescription drug is available in liquid, foam, and shampoo forms. For optimal results, apply the product to the scalp once per day for women and twice per day for males. Most individuals choose foam, which may be applied to damp hair. 

Minoxidil products either promote hair regeneration or delay the rate of hair loss, or both. At least six months of therapy are required to initiate regrowth or prevent additional hair loss. Additionally, the duration depends on the individual. Among the possible adverse effects is scalp inflammation. 

2. Prescription Spironolactone Pills 

This medication, also known as Aldactone, treats hair loss by treating hormones. It binds androgen receptors and reduces testosterone processing in the body. It is suggested that you discuss the prospective advantages and hazards of spironolactone with a physician or pharmacist. 

3. Light And Laser Treatment 

Laser devices may promote hair growth in individuals with androgenic alopecia and pattern baldness. Other terms for laser treatments include:

  • Red light treatment 
  • Lasers: cold lasers 
  • Photobiomodulation 
  • Biostimulation 

4. Hair transplantation 

Since the 1950s, hair transplantation has been performed in the United States to treat androgenic alopecia by taking a strip of scalp from the back of the head and using it to cover a bald spot. Today, ninety percent of hair-transplant surgeons employ a procedure termed follicular unit transplant, which was developed in the mid-1990s. 

During this treatment, doctors take a thin strip of scalp and split it into hundreds of hair-containing transplants. Each graft is inserted into a scalp incision produced by a blade or needle in the region of baldness. Naturally, hair develops in clusters of one to four follicles, known as follicular units. Therefore, the graft seems more natural than the bigger “plugs” related to hair transplants in the past.


Whether it is caused by genetics, an illness, or even stress, hair loss may be distressing. Know that there are hair loss solutions for women in baton rouge you may attempt and that skilled dermatologists are there to assist you. Your hair loss might perhaps be reversed. Consult your healthcare professional as soon as you detect a problem since the sooner treatment begins, the better.



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