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How To Treat Insomnia Naturally? 

We’ve all seen those who count sheep to fall asleep when they can’t seem to do it. However, insomnia becomes a no-laughing matter when you are the one who tosses and turns for hours on end. You may find that you can’t fall and stay asleep because of a short-term issue or have a lifetime of poor sleeping habits. Regardless, sleeping pills won’t fix the problem because of the side effects. 

You can feel exhausted, irritable, and incapable of functioning during the day when you don’t get enough sleep. It can also raise your risk for health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes in the long run. Whatever the cause of your insomnia, there is usually a way to understand it and get better sleep. Fortunately, this post will provide you with various ways to treat insomnia naturally. So, let’s get started.  

Giving CBD a Try 

CBD is a non-hallucinogenic substance found in marijuana. Incorporating it into your wellness routine might help you treat insomnia naturally. A study published in 2019 found that 66.7% of CBD users reported better sleep within one month after consuming the drug. CBD has also been linked to faster sleep onset, staying asleep, and having higher quality sleep, according to another scientific review published in 2019. 

Therefore, you can search on google where to find delta 8 thc spray online and it would be best to purchase CBD products from CBD Genesis, which provide high-quality CBD product to help get rid of insomnia. According to the review, there’s limited research on CBD despite the promising benefits. Therefore, it would help to speak to your doctor before trying it to determine if it’s the proper treatment for your insomnia. 

Practicing Meditation and Relaxation Techniques 

You may sleep better if you meditate. It comprises focusing on a specific point, such as your breath or a sound. It can slow your breathing and reduce your stress hormone level. Meditation might also help enhance your body awareness, promote relaxation, and calm your mind. 

Here are a few types of meditation: 

  • A guided meditation that relies on the voice of someone else to relax 
  • Vipassana meditation — a Buddhist mindfulness technique 
  • Yoga Nidra — a form of guided meditation 
  • A body scan that involves concentration on the feelings in various body parts 

Based on the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, these techniques may help treat insomnia. Yet, further research is needed. 

Using Aromatherapy 

Purple Cluster Flowers

In 2011, a study found that most aromatherapy studies aren’t rigorous enough to be conclusive. But many people have used English lavender for a long time as a herbal remedy to prevent insomnia. Many people find it soothing.  

You can put a sachet of lavender under your pillow to promote sleep. You can also apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to a handkerchief or oil in your bath. Warm baths can also reduce body temperature, which may help you sleep. 

Other aromatherapy oils may also aid sleep. Examples include: 

  • Ylang-ylang 
  • Chamomile 
  • Patchouli 

Taking Steps to Manage Stress 

Your mind may race all night when you’re trying to fall asleep due to stress. It can get worse as well. When you’re tired from not getting enough sleep during the day, you feel more anxious, stressed, and irritable. 

Eventually, stress-sleep can become a vicious cycle. For this reason, managing your stress is essential to achieving deep, restful slumber. 

Here are a few options to consider: 

  • Journaling — It might seem like writing things would make you ponder them. However, you may sleep better when you appreciate what you have. An Applied Psychology study has found that students who keep a gratitude journal for 15 minutes each night worried less at bedtime and slept better. 
  • Guided imagery — According to experts, it can help you sleep faster. If you lie down, visualize yourself in a tranquil, relaxing environment. Eventually, the image signals to your brain that it’s time to stop thinking and sleep. 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation — Physical relaxation can be as effective as mental relaxation. Count out to ten as you squeeze and release your toes repeatedly. Even though it’s so simple, you can feel relaxed and relieve pent-up energy. 

Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene 

Woman in White Crop TopLying on Bed

Sleep hygiene describes the activities and routines around your bedtime. Proper sleep hygiene can improve your chances of sleeping soundly and uninterruptedly naturally. 

You can improve your sleep hygiene by: 

  • Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, such as going to bed and waking at the same time every evening and morning, even on the weekends 
  • Turning screens, laptops, cell phones, and TVs off an hour before bedtime 
  • Dimming the lights, installing thick curtains and blinds, or wearing eye masks and earplugs to keep the bedroom dark and quiet 
  • Using the bedroom only for sleeping or sexual activity 
  • Having comfortable mattresses, pillows, and blankets 
  • Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine in the evening 
  • Bathing or taking a shower about 1.5 hours before bed 
  • Eating small meals in the evening 

It would help to consider including some of these tips in your routine as you evaluate your regular bedtime habits and practices. 


Insomnia affects many people worldwide. It can reduce the quality of your life by putting you at risk of various diseases and conditions. Fortunately, you can treat insomnia naturally without the side effects of pills. And this post presents some of the best ways you can do so. So, which one will you try to incorporate into your routine first? 

Eleena Wills
Eleena Wills
Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive.


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